Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Holy Matrimony, Batman

it's an issue that's not going away any time soon.  it continues to be discussed and argued, it's gonna possess and obsess the religious rightwing for as long as they draw breath.  it is, of course, the looming spectre of same sex marriage becoming legal in our great democratic republic.  anyway, here is a funny article from Slate, by one of the senior editors with the delicious name of Dahlia Lithwick.  i've actually always wished my name was Dahlia.  sometimes i give it as my name, for instance on a waiting list in a restaurant.  because i love to hear them call "Dahlia??  Dahlia?? your table is ready."  the piece is called Holy Matrimony, and it's a listing of many other things that endanger marriage far more than the looming spectre, etc.   she's absolutely right, and quite funny.  except, what about "the wiggles?"  after you read it, let me know how you think "the wiggles" are endangering the holy M.   okay? 


Anonymous said...

I think the Wiggles fall into that children's entertainment niche -- like Barney, Blue's Clues and Teletubbies -- that drive adults with more than two active brain cells insane. I think Barney has probably broken up many an otherwise happy home.

Anonymous said...

ah. yes. thank you.