Saturday, December 4, 2004

Just a frosty sunny Saturday morning note, before I go off to take Jon Soto to get his ride to a ceremony in Dover where he is one of six children picked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance (more on this later), and then to the college to give makeup tests for two of my classes.  I have so much I want to write here, and never a moment to write it.  In order to avoid another blow-out like I had last spring, I am trying to get enough sleep as well as keeping up with everything else I am doing.  It is seriously cutting into journal time.  But mens sana in corpore sano comes first, I have to think. I am trying to find some peace, trying not to live in rage and despair, so am also finding moments to meditate and exercise.  At some point this weekend I must get to spout a bit here in print though, or I will explode. 


Anonymous said...

When you spout gurl, we are all the better for it. Spout Please.

Anonymous said...

I have to keep reminding myself that 49% of the voters voted agaisnt Bush, that I am not some freako, left wing liberal nut case.  Well, I may be any one of those, but that's a different story.  Paulette