Monday, January 24, 2005


Here are links to some things mentioned in the Moyers speech in the last entry.  I didn't have room to put them in, the "characters" gremlin wouldn't let me.  They weren't in the speech, but I have looked them up.  George Monbiot's site is one to bookmark.  I first encountered him in the leadup months before the war, and have been reading him ever since.  This column is titled "Apocalypse - Please!"   The Grist piece by Glenn Scherer is here, and a follow-up with letters from readers and a response by Scherer is here.   In his excellent blog "The Slacktivist," Fred Clark has been outlining the story of the rapture, as found in Tim LaHaye's Left Behind series.  He has two archives of interest in this regard, Left Behind, and godwatch.

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