Thursday, February 17, 2005


One more link on the subject of the previous post.  This one is a George Monbiot column entitled Mocking Our Dreams, and contains this marvelous paragraph:

... "And this leads us, I think, to a further reason for turning our eyes away. When terrorists threaten us, it shows that we must count for something, that we are important enough to kill. They confirm the grand narrative of our lives, in which we strive through thickets of good and evil towards an ultimate purpose. But there is no glory in the threat of climate change. The story it tells us is of yeast in a barrel, feeding and farting until they are poisoned by their own waste. It is too squalid an ending for our anthropocentric conceit to accept."


Anonymous said...

Well, we won't know when the next attack is coming until it hits us.  Bush and his cronies will see to that.

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

Anonymous said...

I agree...we are way more endangered by the way we treat our Earth than by the terrorists, but it is not glamourous...

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that really "tells it like it is," to use an old sixties phrase.  Feeding and farting, yep, that's us.  Nothing grand about that for Bush to crawl on his dung heep and crow about.