Sunday, May 22, 2005


High tide coming in with May's full moon,
the flower moon/fish moon/milk moon,
we walked on the beach as the sun went down
and the moon came up - waves washing around our feet,
water in up to the dunes and still rising. 
Dolphins leapt and swam and jumped out in the water,
a group swimming north and a group swimming south. 
Colors of sky, water, dunes, too many to name, a swirl of
soft blues, mauves, greys, darker blues, whites,
dune grass green, soft slope of sand,
we the only humans on the beach, for us alone tonight
this gift of endless reaching beauty.


Anonymous said...

I can completely be there in these words.  Wonderful.  Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dolphins!  I want to see dolphins!

Lovely word picture.  Thank you.  Lisa  :-]  

Anonymous said...

so beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Images come alive!
Thank you so much for sharing this. It must have been a beautiful night.
{{{Hugs }}}