Monday, June 6, 2005



Some good info for those concerned about the future of Public Broadcasting, as you will know from a previous post that I currently am.  Here is a link to an essay excerpted from a speech Bill Moyers gave at the National Conference on Media Reform last month.  Here's the full text of the speech (including remarks on how Nixon tried to do away with CPB) if you want to read it all.

If you are aware of all this, don't have time for the reading, and just want to vent your spleen by taking action, here's a link to a petition calling for Kenneth Tomlinson's resignation.  Let's let Washington know how The Public actually feels about this.  As Bill Moyers says:

"I was naïve, I guess. I simply never imagined that any CPB chairman, Democrat or Republican, would cross the line from resisting White House pressure to carrying it out for the White House. But that’s what Kenneth Tomlinson has done."


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