Saturday, March 26, 2005


Because of general depression, exhaustion, and symptoms of returning flu, I haven't been - still am not - capable of any heavy duty journaling here.  But, life goes on, as best it can.  The daffodils are blooming, the birds are very very busy in our yard, nest building is well under way. 

And, in case you think I've neglected or forgotten the eaglets in all my dark despair - here's some neat stuff.  The OspreyCam is also online now at Blackwater, and the pair is busy doing the same thing the cardinals, wrens, sparrows, bluejays and robins in my yard are doing - nest building.  This nest is a good deal larger and more visible than my yard birds are making - and it's growing every day by leaps and bounds.  The EagleCam is still askew, but sometimes the birds wander into view anyway.  As they get bigger and older they'll do more wandering around looking for bits of food.  If you visit the eagles, be sure to click on the link for the eagle weblog.  There lots of interesting info to learn about these birds.  There is also a contest for naming the three chicks - put on your thinking caps!


Anonymous said...

I check frequently and I'm also watching the osprey cam.  I hope you finally shake this flue and feel better SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon.  I'm checking on the ospreys and eagles several x per day.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.
Peace,  Virginia

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well.  Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Dog and I had a most amazing walk the other day.  I decided to take her down by the channel (Multnomah Channel...about a mile from my house.)  First thing I saw when we got to the top of the dike was an eagle (moulting, with big gaps in his/her wing feathers) floating over the water, harassing or being harassed by the seagulls.  We walked about a half-mile further, and there in a bare tree was another eagle (or maybe the same one...I had lost sight of it) just sitting looking out over the water.  Very close to me...I spoke to him(her.) He turned and looked at me as if to say, "Why don't you just take your dog and go away, lady?"  It was wonderful.  I was spellbound.  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

feel better!!! judi

Anonymous said...

Do get some healthy food in your tummy and get yourself well--you're on Spring Break now, aren't you?  Don't want to be sick during break!  No daffodils for us yet, I'm afraid, but I just saw my first crocus today!  Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I posted some links in my J for a couple of peregrine cams in Pittsburgh. Just in case you need some more birdwatching :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not the flu again!  Hopefully you were able to shoo it away.