Thursday, June 9, 2005


This is the text of a request from, requesting signatures for John Conyers petition asking that Bush give us some answers on this "smoking gun," the Downing St. memo.  Bill Clinton was impeached for deceit far less nationally and internationally far-reaching than this.  This story actually broke almost a month ago. It's time some serious attention was paid.  There was a, sort of, article in the NYT yesterday touching on this issue, but little attention has been paid to it in the mainstream press. Please click the link to sign, and pass this on to your internet friends.  As always, thanks a million.  For more, go to this site created specifically to get some action on this situation:  AfterDowningStreet.

From MoveOn:  Subject: 500,000 signatures needed today to expose Iraq lies


I'm writing to ask you to join me in signing a MoveOn PAC petition demanding real answers from President Bush regarding the "smoking gun" Downing Street Memo.

To help get the truth about why we invaded Iraq, please sign this letter today.

The Downing Street memo is called a "smoking gun" because it contains the minutes from a British cabinet meeting in July of 2002, 6 months before the war began. During that meeting high ranking British officials reported that the Bush administration admitted it was already determined to invade Iraq, and was "fixing" intelligence about WMD's to justify the war.

This, of course, contradicts everything President Bush has told us about how he chose war as a last resort, and made that decision because he thought he had solid intelligence about the Iraqi WMD threat.

Bush has refused to even respond to the memo, but after Tony Blair's visit this week the pressure is really building. Representative John Conyers of Michigan is gathering 500,000 signatures and comments from American voters to take directly to President Bush at the White House gates and demand real answers. Please sign today and help get out the truth.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have signed the letter, Mary Ellen, for all the good I expect it to do.  Just take a look at the conservative reaction to the revelation of Deep Throat.  It is now acceptable to call the guy names for making sure a corrupt administration was held responsible for its actions.  And the conservative hordes are shaking their fists and loudly murmuring agreement.  Do you really think THIS administration is going to be held responsible for its lies and abuses of power?  Lisa  :-]