i've just come back from the English as a Second Language students' certificate graduation ceremony at the college. it was so wonderful - we were all high as kites with pride and joy. we had 35 graduates from the program this year, and most of them will be going on to take associate's degree programs now in the college. the speaker at the ceremony was a Korean student who graduated from the program previously and who, this year, is graduating with a 4.0 from the college and going on to a four-year school for a full degree. her speech was truly inspiring; it left me with tears in my eyes. so earnest, so sincere and full of hope. i know i've bitched and moaned all through the semester, but today shows me what all the hard work is really for. these young people still have what we used to call The American Dream in their hearts and learning English is their first major step on the road to achieving it. this is still the place where people come to fulfill that dream of a better life for themselves and their children. two of the students today are expecting babies this summer, two others passed their citizenship tests during the past week - they give me hope also, that this country will still be able to climb out of this present mess, no matter how entrenched it seems to be, and become once again the place where Lady Liberty beckons. for all of us.
and now i'm off to D.C. for the day, and perhaps to spend the night. an old friend of my sister's and mine is in town from California lobbying for her group (American Society of Landscape Architects) and after her day of meetings we're all getting together for dinner at my sister's house. we are all rabid liberals/progressives, disgusted with the present administration and all its ramifications; i know there will be some ranting, also possibly raving, happening on 33rd St. tonight. depending on how much wine my brother-in-law brings up from his well-stocked cellar.
i've postponed my Texas trip for a while, too much to take care of here right now to go gallivanting off just yet. i'll probably go in June, when it's good and hot down there. yessirree, in the 100's by then. might as well experience the whole enchilada. speaking of which, by that time maybe i'll have low-carbed it long enough to actually be able to HAVE some enchiladas. be a mortal shame to be in San Antonio and not eat Mexican food.
Glad you're back gurl and thanks for that bit of help with the invaders. When you're in Texas, you've got to have some of that chile corn bread too! Yum!
Sounds like a fun gathering with the ranting and raving, lol. You know, I'd love to eavesdrop on a conversation like that, hoping nobody would ask me for a detailed opinion. :-/ (Somewhat uninformed on current events, at times.)
Well, I've been doing the low-carb for a while, and I'm not going anywhere near enchiladas, lol. I'm afraid I'll be like the alcoholic who thought one drink was fine...
Glad your semester is over and you enjoyed the graduation. :-)
You sound like a proud parent! And I guess in a way that is what all your students more or less become. Texas in summer...whew! I had my daughter in Texas. It was the hottest summer on record. Temps in the 100's so many days in a row. Finally it rained..people where dancing in the streets. Good luck on the low-carb. I have been South Beaching it for about two months and am very pleased with the result. (had my first roll in two months on Thursday!)
I remember living in the state of Texas. I lived in Lubuck Texas than I moved to Hereford Texas, and now I am in Missouri. Man Oh Man the summers in Texas wore deadly, lol. Seriously I remember on the news that people wore passing out, fevers, skin irritations, etc. I loved living there, alot of my found childhood memories took place, but ya "any-hoot" I hope you have a good day, Bye
In spite of all the dire and depressing news we're bombarded with everyday, I read something like this and my belief that all is not lost is confirmed.
I hope you had a wonderful time of wining and dining and good, progressive conversation--is there any other kind?--with your sister, brother-in-law and friend.
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