Sunday, September 5, 2004


Here's Señor Scalzi's current weekend assignment.  An easy one, because he's in Boston, and it's Labor Day Weekend and we're all recovering from a year of laboring, aren't we?  So, I'm gonna do the easy assignment right here in my usually-more-political blog.  A relief from all the horror of the past week:  the Russian school hostage situation, which has devastated my heart;  the political polls, the pictures of BushCo everywhere. 

Weekend Assignment 22: Got a photo you really love? Show it and tell us why. It'd be nice if the photo was one you haven't shown on your site before, but doing a repeat of an especially meaningful picture is groovy too.

This is a picture of G's elder son E, and his own little son, soon after Ben came home from the hospital.  It's an old picture, Ben entered kindergarten this year, but still one of the most cherished we have of the two of them.  The love and exhaustion in E's face, his hand on Ben's neck, how beautiful they both are - for these reasons we love this picture.  I consider both of G's sons to be my sons too, as I entered the family early in their teenage years; endured the drama and the trauma of those years, then enjoyed the delightful metamorphosis they underwent in college and thereafter. Now both of the guys are professionals, one (this one) a writer and publicist, the other an architect, husbands and fathers, pillars of their communities, delightful human beings.  Furthermore, as you can see, E remains a Red Sox fan, though he's moved far away from Boston.

These guys and their children now are sources of great joy - we hope soon to move closer to them, to be able to spend our Elder years enjoying being Grand-mothers.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful photo.  A new family member is certainly something to celebrate.  Was Ben the FIRST grandbaby???  Thanks for giving me hope that we can all get through the drama and trauma of the teenage years unscathed.

Anonymous said...

yes, kat - there is hope for surviving the sturm und drang of the teen years.  and enjoying what comes after.
ben was actually the second grandbaby.  his sister charlotte was the first - and for her birth we were both there.  we saw her in her daddy's arms a few minutes after she was born.  we were putting the finishing stitches on the baby quilt we'd been making for her, out in the waiting room, when she was finally born.  we'd been in with the parents for a long time during the Mel's labor - but the baby's cord was wrapped around her neck, thinks got dicey and scary and they made us clear out.  so we sewed and prayed and cried.  i don't have any pictures of her and Ev at the moment of arrival!  we were just glad she made it here safely.

Anonymous said...

I really like this picture too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful baby.  These are always the sweetest kinds of pictures. :-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing with us...... judi

Anonymous said...

A Sox fan is always a Sox fan no matter where he lives.  :)  Great picture.  He personifies the word "Father".  Thanks!!  :)

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen