Wednesday, September 1, 2004


Those of you who are fans of fdtate's journal, Progressive Musings, have noticed that he's been MIA for a long time again.  I just received this reassuring email from him to let us know he's alive, presumably well, and that his computer got fried by the random hand of fate in the form of a lightning strike.  He knows I'm a Jewish mother at heart  (and yes, I've left at least one worried message on his journal since he's been gone, and restrained myself from leaving others.  others of my ilk have done the same.)  and sent this to keep my forehead from wrinkling any worse than it already is.  We look forward to the fixing of his motherboard.

Here follows Duane's email:

Hey Mary Ellen,

Hope all is going well.  Hope things are going fine in your efforts to overthrow King George.  I've been watching some of the RNC.  Just a little.  I can only take so much bullshit at one time.
This is just a note to let you know I'm still alive.  I know how much you worry.  My computer died on me.  When the remnants of Hurricane Bonnie came through Chattanooga we had the thunderstorm from Hell.  It was like being in an artillery barrage.  Unfortunately, my son was on the computer at the time and my motherboard now seems to be fried.  I don't know when I'll be able to get my computer fixed, but hope it's soon.  I'm writing you now on a computer at my local library.  If anyone in Journalland asks, please let them know what's going on.  I was going to try to leave a message for everyone on my journal, but it won't let me access it for some reason. 

Keep up the good fight!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!  I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Duane, you're talking to a two lightening-strike, four modem-blowing, and one fried computer survivor.  You have my sympathy.  I live on a hill.  What I'm spared in flooding, I get with lightening.  Ah, the elements -- they humble us all.  (Ditto your comment on the RNC doings in NY.  I start out watching telling myself I must be open-minded.  But my blood pressure surge has me reaching for the mute button in no time.  To heck with open-mindedness: these folks are plain wrong!)

Anonymous said...

I've missed Duane.  Glad to hear he's okay and he'll be back in the fray very soon!!  I miss his words!!  :)

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

Anonymous said...

OH, that was good of you to post this!  I'm so sorry to hear about his computer though.  The thought of such a thing is horrid. ::shudder::