Saturday, June 18, 2005


Poor windmills journal, you must feel so left-out and abandoned.  This week of beginning The Blue Voice has been so hectic - adding the beginning of summer school and a flying trip to Washington has only made it crazier.  I have neglected everything else in my life while we've been getting TBV up and flying:  the garden, the animals, reading anything but political stuff.  This really can't continue.  The deal was, there are eight of us on this group blog, so we could each post one day a week.  At a minimum.  Well, I have posted nine entries so far this week, and everyone else has done at least that many, I think.  If not more. 

I'm going to refer you to my post on TBV for my impressions from the Conyers hearing and rally.  There are actually two posts, the second is about the letter Conyers wrote to the editor of the Washington Post yesterday.  The coverage was abysmal, at least in the major papers. 

We made it through the ten days or so of heat wave without putting on the AC at all, and I feel very proud of us for this accomplishment.  The weather broke sometime on Thursday, and is now as pleasant as one could wish.  My lettuce is starting to  bolt; we can't eat it as fast as it is ready.  The tomato and cucumber plants have blossoms, the peppers are trailing behind. 

I have done several articles on TBV about global warming, and will be doing more soon.  It is wonderful to see comments from AOL journal friends over there, but I am missing reading and writing here.  Shall I put links here to my articles on that blog?  Those looking for environmental postings might want them, I don't know.


Anonymous said...

YES..put links here.  I have this on alert...and I have a hard time following anything out of the AOL world.  I'd actually spaced out on TBV all together.  Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to confess that I am having a hard time keeping up with The Blue Voice...  I was gone for three days, and there were 24 new entries!  Augh!  I can't possibly wade through all that!  I suppose that, after the novelty has worn off some, I'll actually be able to follow it.  Good writing there, though!  Keep it up!  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

I'm finding it hard to keep up with TBV.  So much!  So yes, maybe links here would be good.