2500 character limit paranoia. this is part two of previous entry.
my friend tankgurl wrote a good piece last night on what we should think about leaving to the kids. she doesn't even have any biological kids, so the kids who work for her take that place in her life. she worries about them, takes care of them, thinks about what kind of a world we'll leave them. if all parents and grandparents regarded the world this way, we might be doing a better job with the planet. bill moyers, in an interview with grist magazine, says he thinks dubya might see the world differently if he had grandchildren. i don't know. he has two children. shouldn't that do it?
tankgurl also reminded me recently of an article i sent her early in this war madness. it's rebecca solnit's piece on hope, first published in orion online. so i looked it up and reread it. i need to print it out and read it once a week or so. whenever the weasels are closing in, the quicksand rising to my knees. i am feeling some hope lately. talking to people, surfing thru blogs and alternative media, even reading the aboveground media, i am picking up on more evidence that we won't let this administration fool us for much longer.
how about this: in crawford, tx there is now a peace house, thanks to the efforts of folks at the peace center in dallas, and a peace group in waco. this humble house serves as a waystation and gathering place for those who come to crawford when gwb is in residence to protest, to call attention to his sins of commission and omission alike. check it out. all texans are not the same. but, of course, you knew that. the dixie chicks already told you.
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