Sunday, September 14, 2003

cape henlopen state park

i thought it would be nice, after my previous entry, to add a link to cape henlopen state park since it is one of my favorite places, probably my favorite place, in the state.  click on the link and check out the many fine features of the park.  if you're planning a delaware vacation, or even a delmarva vacation, don't miss it.  it helps us not to miss cape cod so very much, as it looks so much like that cape:  dunes, pine trees, gorgeous unspoiled beaches.  the remnants of its former life as a military base  (the last german sub in WW II surrendered there) are benignly crumbling into the sand, one has been made into an environmental center, the subspotting tower in the park is now an observation tower that you can climb up when your 12 year old nephew comes to visit and see for miles across the delaware and into new jersey (on a clear day).   we went there one night a few years ago with some friends who were involved in an organization that saves and rehabs injured or lost birds to set free a recovered barred owl.  a mystical experience, in the october dusk, under the pines. 

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