Saturday, September 6, 2003

saturday morning continued

ehhhh......once again i have been foiled by the tiny space allottment.  had to delete a whole paragraph.  but i think i saved it, will try to copy and paste.  but my hyperlink to joan walsh seems not to have worked.  eventually i will figure this out.  in the meantime, she's on, the piece i referred to is from yesterday.  "The Not So Great Debate." 

nope, it didn't work.  drat.  well, what the paragraph was about was that while i was on i read anne lamott's latest piece.  (trying to make a link to that too, but am now discouraged about this)  i love anne lamott:  her books, articles, funny hairdo, everything.  she's terribly into jesus and church and like that, but i love her anyway.  because she swears and is irreverent and very very very funny.  i never read one of her pieces without laughing out loud.  even if it is a piece about a funeral, (which the current one is) or a friend with cancer or the bush junta.  you have to be a member to read the whole piece, but you should be a member anyway.  lots of good stuff there.

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