Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Anyone who was intrigued by James Howard Kunstler's article in the previous entry might want to take a look at his website.  He is the author of quite a few books, the first two of which are about what we have done with what he calls in one title "the geography of nowhere,"  strip malls and other catastropic results of the mobile society.  He's quirky, passionate about what matters to him, and he has lots of good links on his site.  His blog is there too, called  (forgive me, AOL Overlords, I am about to commit unveiled indecency)  Clusterfuck Nation.  Forgive me again, but I think it's a great name for what's happening in this here place at this here time in our history.  Next, I'm going to look up some of his books and read them.  He may be extreme, but the time for moderation is swiftly running out the drain.


Anonymous said...

I will definitely check out his site, since Clusterfuck is one of my favorite descriptive terms :)

Anonymous said...

ahahahhaaaaaahahahaaa. I love it. judi

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to see that Kunstler's blog doesn't have an RSS feed.  That makes it harder for me to keep up with.  I'm going to bookmark it and try to remember to give it a look from time to time.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your journal and I found it interesting and refreshing.  I don't mean to make it sound like a new soda or breath mint, but those were the first words that come to mind.  

Come and visit my journal when able:

I'm not nearly as informative.  I'm kind of kooky and silly, but it might be good for a short brain vacation for you.  You're an intelligent thoughtful (and my meaning there is thought-filled, but you knew that),  I'm sure you need some occasional mental massages so you don't spontaneously combust!  LOL  


Anonymous said...

I didn't recognize the name but Kunstler is in The End of Suburbia. If I recall he actually uses the phrase clusterfuck in the film. Seemed like a real sharp guy. I'm glad he's getting the word out on this.
