a second post re what seemed to be just a passing mention in today's previous post. the review and comentary on the Left Behind series in the slacktivist's blog. any of you who may be getting worried about the evangelical fundamentalist drift of our very government (narrow sliver of separation seems to be all that's left between church and state currently) from the top down need to gear into this. i went back to do some more reading on this blog, and will need to spend more time there when i can. begin with this entry.
a few years ago, in a slacker time between Real Jobs, i worked in a local bookstore. we were constantly reordering this series, restocking, selling, reordering, ad infinitum. the series itself expanded at an alarming rate. the shelf space it took up was ever encroaching on real books. we never quite knew in what section to shelve it. science fiction? religion? new age? general weirdness? certainly none of the fringe characters working in the store (musicians, poets, literature students, like that) ever read any of it to get a grasp of its drift. i only knew that it had to do with "the rapture." a concept that didn't really take up much space on my own personal hard drive.
finding out that tim lahaye's wife is the head of "concerned women for america" woke me right up. known to the irreverent as "ladies against women" this group is the main force behind "marriage protection week" and a lot of other idiotic crap. the popularity of this series may have more to do with the way our leaders think than we have known. i return to the comments of general boykin, for instance. to the idea many seem to have (himself included) that dubya was annointed, appointed, elected, whatever, by jesus himself. go back to the slacktivist and read this post where he quotes joan didion in the new york review of books. this guy is a deeplevel christian, with theological knowledge beyond the garden variety. let's pay some attention to this. now.
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