Monday, October 20, 2003

down a hollow to a cavern

early morning dark, chilly, monday.  steaming cup of tea.  just a few thoughts here, so it won't seem as if i've disappeared in the manner of those despised journal starters-and-leavers.  don't know if it's my usual autumnal depression movin' in, or sanity catching up.  or what.  but i'm realizing the incredible amount of time i've been spending reading internet blogs, magazines, aol journals, etc, and then writing my own journal entries, is making me a candidate for a 12 step program.  i'm not reading much of anything else, not doing any other writing, not paying the attention to my classes that i should.  i'm not doing the necessary work to get yard and gardens ready for winter, not connecting with real friends in real time and space.  this is ridiculous.  my work takes up a great deal of time, that is necessary, that has to be.  but for this to be taking most of the rest of my time makes no sense at all. 

so i'll be making fewer entries here, though by no means abandoning my journal, nor anyone else's.  the amount of attention i've been paying to politics is also a factor.  daily outrage is turning to constant depression.  which helps nothing at all.  i'll be checking in here probably once, maybe twice, a week.  just not...several times every day.  for now i leave you this piece by ira chernus, giving sage and loving advice for taking Time Out, time to re-experience what should be our inspiration for dreaming the dream, for fighting the good fight.     namaste for now.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. I shudder to think about what I'd do if I was still working a regular job and trying to keep up with this. No one would ever see me in my own house. LOL Take a break, girl. Catch ya when you're here!! :)

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

Anonymous said...

Funny that every now and then this seems real--this journaling that people can actually respond to and take with them to wherever they find themselves next. Maybe it's no different than what happens with the real friends you speak of and miss...maybe it is a lesser experience because there are no faces behind these comments, making the whole ordeal so surreal.

Anonymous said...

(part II--feeling wordy tonight)
BUT MAYBE it is as real as the other tangible relationships because you share and grow and teach with your words you leave behind for others. Maybe it is even more real because you CAN'T attach any hangups that you might be tempted to attach by the light of a real day. You'll read the words and not the person. I don't know...

Anonymous said...

is there some sort of journal ettiquette?? are three comments over the top?
either way--i can't start worrying bout that now, can i?
have a happy, reflective, peaceful, intact break--we will keep the ball rolling, and you can always come back to the game when you are good and ready! Peace!