Saturday, October 25, 2003

how can i keep from screaming?

my newly discovered blog-treasure, the slacktivist, discusses the wal-mart immigrant roundup in this post, closely echoing my own feelings. the more i learn about this, and think about it, the angrier i become.  this is one company only, i have to assume it is just the tip of the iceberg. 

slacktivist also continues his comb-through of the Left Behind series on his site.  this morning i read joan didion's entire review/essay, Mr Bush & the Divine, not just the quotes in slacktivist's post.  it's long, but riveting in its pellucid exposition of just how scary this whole christian/right/highest-levels-of-govt association has become.  the first part of the essay will familiarize you with the story line for the books.  from there didion connects the dots from the rev. la haye et al to the rev. mr. bush et al.  despite the fact that joan didion's wry, dry humor (in the midst of horror) can always make me chuckle, the title of this post is how i felt as i read this piece.

last night on bill moyers NOW i listened to joseph c. hough, currently president of the union theological seminary, redeem christianity in its saner form.  the dialogue between these two distinguished gentlemen kept me spellbound with wonder and hope.  this morning i researched dr. hough online and came upon this sermon given, eerily enough, on 9/9/01. despite what happened two days later, his concern for the environment and the poor remains as relevant now as it was then.  he wants the banner of, not only christianity but all three abrahamic traditions, to be flown not for death and rapture and destruction, but for this:  life.  abundant life for all of creation.  yeah, man, let's listen to this guy.  P.S. i just drifted over to scalzi's journal and discovered his allusion to this very conversation on NOW.  here, from john's post, is a link to the transcript of the entire dialogue.


Anonymous said...

Read this:
You'll love it.

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

PS.. there's a whole Separation of Church and State website:
Lots of good reading!!

Anonymous said... had me going for a few hair-raising moments there. DEPARTMENT OF FAITH????? holy crap, batman!!!! but then, i slapped myself and realized it was satire. which led me to play for a while on the site in general. i admire those with the wit and ability to create humor out of this dungheap. gracias, chica.