Friday, October 24, 2003

the wal-mart roundup

with a few minutes here at the end of the week, what am i doing in the language lab?  uh huh, journaling.  but i did a bunch of other stuff first, so it's okay, right?  sorted and filed a lot of student papers and tests, did some grading, had a long chat with one of the other ESL instructors on many subjects, including this one:  the immigrant roundup at wal-marts across the country yesterday.  i found out this morning that 10 of those arrested were here in Delaware, none at our local wal-mart but 6 of them in a town close by. it's the front page of the wilmington news-journal today.  one of my favorite bloggers (Body and Soul) has this entry on the subject with some interesting links.  she feels much the same way i do, that the real criminals were not arrested here.  those who pay their workers, whom they know damn well are undocumented and therefore have little or no recourse, less than the price of a sandwich per diem are heartless criminals in my docket.  it's unclear how close the ties between the company contracted to do the cleaning for wal-mart and their corporate employers were, but i'm ready to take bets on the subject.  all those who think wal-mart didn't know what was going on please see me after class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that at the same time all the raids were going down in the stores, they were also raiding the Evil Empire's corporate headquarters and left with a box of documents. Hopefully some heads will roll in Bentonville.
I read that some of these poor schmoes were only making $2 a day. Ah, the joys of indentured servitude.