Thursday, November 13, 2003

all the leaves are brown

and the sky is grey.  what a wild and crazy wind is whirling those brown leaves everywhere.  as i went from one campus building to my next class in another this morning, i had to wade through piles of leaves in the corridor before i got to the door.  vacuuming won't take care of this!  they'll have to RAKE the carpets.  it sounds like freight trains constantly roaring by right now, outside this little room which has windows on two sides.  i keep expecting a locomotive to come charging through.

but what i've been thinking about is Ramadan, and those who observe it.  some of our muslim students are, some are not.  i don't really notice much difference in their class performance, though most of my students of all nationalities report not eating breakfast on a regular basis, so maybe it doesn't make a difference until later in the day.  thinking about food, reading the riverbendblog, where she has started a new blog with iraqi recipes for Ramadan. for myself i've gotta bet observing Ramadan would make me think about food all the time.  kind of the way a serious diet does.  although one usually does not diet for religious reasons.  anyway, there's riverbend, living in the chaos and madness  that is baghdad, writing about the chaos and madness that is her country in one blog, then moving over to Is Something Burning? and giving us a delicious lentil soup recipe.  life is a mysterious thing, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

thanks for pointing out riverbend and her companion journal (the title of which i find ironic). fascinating to think that we are actually reading the words of someone in the midst of an ongoing war.

Anonymous said...

musenla: you think, huh? yeah. riverbend is nothing if not ironic. read back thru her. don't i wish i could tie bushco to a chair and force them all to read her blog. from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

All the leaves are brownand the sky is grey. There was a morning in my kitchen in FEburary, when my sisters had flown in from Chicago My sisters and i were in my kitchen preparing a breakfast of biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, and TankGurl's Wicked Breakfast Potatoes when we all just sort of burst into song, and struck up this lovely three part rendition of CAlifornia Dreamin', and it sticks in my mind to this day, of the reasons that life is worth livin

Tank Gurl