Friday, November 21, 2003

call me ultracynical, yes, i'm ultracynical, la la la la la la la

........but does it seem like too much of a coincidence to be written by anyone but charles dickens?  the feds swarming into neverland ranch, michael jackson racing out of las vegas in a white bronco, oh wait, no, that was another movie, i mean...michael jackson whisking in and out of arraignment on his private plane, the Strange One in cuffs, primetime specials rushed into production, etc etc etc ad nauseum.  i don't know about where YOU live, but on my eleven o'clock news last night that's just about all the news from beyond about a 100 mile radius we were given to occupy our little minds.

not a glimpse of 100,000 protestors in the London streets "toppling" a huge simulacrum of bush  (just deja vu  all over again, huh?), not a peek at police in Miami firing rubber bullets into the crowd of FTAA protestors.  not even the horrors in istanbul (my turkish students are so upset) showed up.  so, i went from local Delmarva channels to Phila and B'more to see what they had to offer....and, it was all michael, all the time, there too!

ultracynical?  coincidence?  you be the judge.


Anonymous said...

Nary a word about the horrible energy and Medicare bills wending their way through Congress either...

Anonymous said...

oh there was a blurb about the Medicare bill on tonight's news where I live. One sentence about the Democrats complaining the Repubs are fastracking this bill and not giving them enough time to read it.

Anonymous said...

i'm not surprised if the news in GA is much like the news on the Delmarva peninsula.....but LA? of course, i'm sure Jacko plays big in tinseltown, as he does all over the country.

Anonymous said...

aaarghhh! Our news media sucks!!!