Monday, November 3, 2003

what's it all about, anyway?

okay, because darling fdtate persisted in sending me instructions, and because i don't really feel up to doing anything else, i messed around some more with pictures.  yes, i DO have a collection of photos on my computer, none of them having anything to do with entries that i've made or ever will make.  but here are two of our grandchildren, this is sam - looking the same tomato color as his blanket - the other picture is rachel.  these are really old pictures, i just randomly clicked on something to see what i could do.  sam is two now and rachel is four, so you see - old pictures.  but cute.  so, there we are.  pictures. small, bordered, but still, pictures.  wow.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

just as he is fascinated with his fingers, i am fascinated with sam's fascination. adorable pic!