Saturday, November 29, 2003

He springs eternal

so now i have just read (in the NY Review of Books) Margaret Atwood's review of the Studs Terkel book i was talking about in the previous post and i heartily recommend that you do the same.  it gives another view of the book, and it's a nice piece of the kind of writing that only Atwood can pull off.  she manages wry, adulatory, and critical, all in one review.  she loves the book, she loves Terkel, (in fact, she says "If Studs Terkel were Japanese he'd be a National Treasure.") but she manages to root out some flaws.  not fatal ones, not even close.  the fact that she makes me want to go right out and buy this book is the bottom line.


Anonymous said...

Studs Turkel is a Chicago legend. Mirigolds2 you have exquisite taste in Jounalism.

Tank Gurl

Anonymous said...

Studs is a legend everywhere...or should be. Also check out "The Good War," his book of interviews with WWII participants.

Anonymous said...

Have you read his opus "Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and Talk About What They Do". Quite the thick tome but probably one of the best non-fiction books of all time.