Wednesday, December 17, 2003

let the resting begin!

(this is an entry i wrote tuesday afternoon, posting was thwarted by the gremlins in the journal-machine.)

okay, i'm back, grades are turned in, merriment and jollity of a departmental nature have been enjoyed, we've all wished one another a restful holiday.  so, let the resting begin!  the weekend in DC was delightful, despite Sunday's vile weather. we enjoyed good food, adorable children, high drifts of political babble.  this admin has brought my siblings and their SO's into the camp i occupied alone in the family for many years.  now we communally raise our blood pressure when together, out-outraging one another in fine fettle.  especially after several bottles of Jim's good wine.  this is a tribal activity i miss here in redneck southern DE, so the opportunity was cherished.

By now everyone - journalists, pundits, bloggers, politicians - has had the chance to pontificate upon Saddam's capture, and to begin to pontificate upon its implications for the future.  from what i have read so far i offer you tomdispatch, with Engelhardt's own commentary as well as good stuff from Stephen Shalom, Juan Cole, and James Carroll. i love Tom's opening sentence: "Sometimes doesn't it feel as if we here in the US were all sharing in some vast delusionary experience?" Carroll states my own feelings about the Saddam event quite succinctly:  "That he was caught in a hole, obviously unrelated to the guerrilla resistance, is a turning point in nothing that matters now, not in restoring order to Iraq, not in rebuilding structures of international law, not in thwarting terrorism, not in stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, not in reconciling the West and the world of Islam."


Anonymous said...

I've been having the same problem...still am, in fact. I think I just found a workaround based on what cheri said in case it happens to you again.
Minimize your AOL screen, showing your desktop. Click and start Internet Explorer. Go to Type in your screenname and password. Type your journal address in the address bar and the journal program works again.

Anonymous said...

Delusionary? Yeah! And not just the war either.

Anonymous said...

yes, duane, cherie's "workaround" was how i was able to enter this post. i have been corresponding w/the tech folks as well as john s., and they tell me they have now "isolated the problem and it should be fixed by tonight." we'll see, but i certainly hope so.

Anonymous said...

like many others I have been thwarted by the AOL gremlins. But it seems all is well in journal land now. Sadam's capture, unfortunately, will not bring an end to the violence in Iraq anytime soon. Being captured thus without any resistance is viewed as humiliating, and only serves to further polarize those who seek to move forward with improving the country's fortunes and those who seek to avenge such a slap in the face.

Anonymous said...

marigold, i've done a blitzkrieg run of your journal and read all the way to your re-posting of mark twain's prayer. thanks for dropping by my journal during the frank series last week. knowing you're there was a source of comfort, my friend.