Monday, June 28, 2004


Click to viewROAD TRIP !!! For real, honest and true, I am finally leaving tomorrow for the Lone Star State.  I've only been talking about it now for several months - so I forgive anyone who doesn't believe me.  It's a thunderstormy time of year to drive west, but the good news is that gas prices are steadily going down.  I actually filled up the Matrix tonight for $1.85 a gallon.  Don't know how prices are looking in the middle of the country, I should have been asking folks in Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas. 

First stop is Dallas, where I have a sister and her family, as well as my oldest and dearest friend.  One of my nieces is in a play on Friday, final performance from Shakespeare camp - so if the Force is with me all the way, I'll be there in the audience to embarrass her with my cheering.  We'll meet another sister, and the nephew (Rob) who was recently here visiting, in Austin for the July 4th weekend: swimming, fireworks, barbeque, beer, you know - exactly what Thomas Jefferson would have done if he'd known there was an Austin (there's always been Austin, hasn't there?  somewhere?) Then I'll spend a few days in San Antonio, looking for low carb Mexican food.  On the way back north I hope to spend at least half another day in the Austin area, at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center.  This is the closest to heaven I'll get, in any life.  It's Ladybird's legacy to us, and my favorite place on the planet.

The whole thing will take about ten days, and I don't know how often I'll get online.  Not very, is my guess.  While I'm there to visit the kids, that's what I want to be doing.  I will miss Journal Land, both posting entries and reading my Journal Friends' thoughts and observations.  So - don't say anything interesting until I get back.  Okay?  Don't have too much fun without me. It's so hard to getback In once you've been Out for a while.  Hard to catch up on everything and everyone.  Love, peace and fajitas - hasta la vista, amigos!


Anonymous said...

Just remember we need lots and lots of pictures, especially from LBJ Wildflower Center.  Safe trip, good speed, no tickets.

Anonymous said...

Have a fantabular time!!! And, I'll take those fajitas, mmhh hmmm. Please drive safe. :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

Have a great time on your trip.  Gas prices are about the same in this part of Tennessee as what you paid.  Be careful while you're having all that fun.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!  Have a great time!  I love Dallas, which is really the only place I've ever visited in TX.  Before the current political climate, John and I used to think we might like to live there someday.  You'll be missed here!  We're finally taking our long postponed two-week vacation to Nebraska starting on the 4th, so our absences should overlap!

Anonymous said...

I know you will have some wonderful tales to tell us when you return!

Anonymous said...

Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Gas prices are not too bad here in southeast Tennessee.  (Never thought I'd say that about $1.75 a gallon.)  Hope you have a wonderful time.   We'll be here to hear all about it when you get back.
Drive safely.

Anonymous said...

Ohh, sounds like fun.  Last time I've been to San Antonio was more than a decade ago.  I love the Riverwalk and environs.  Enjoy the trip, especiall the Ladybird Wildlflower Center, which sounds heavenly.

If you get farther West sometime, visit another heaven on earth, Descanso Gardens.  Have a safe and lovely trip!

Anonymous said...

see when you return! have a blast...! I'll look forward to seeing some photos...!

Anonymous said...

Checking back -- guess you haven't returned yet. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Toots!  I finally get to stop by and say hey (hey!) and here I find you up and gone.  I love your journal ~ great line about Thomas Jefferson, by the way ~ of COURSE that's just what he would have done!

Have a blast ~ see you when you get back!   :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the trip is going well. :-)  We were just in Dallas last week.  We rode the train.  Wouldn't it have been weird if we'd seen each other there, but didn't realize it?  lol  I realize the chances are slim.