Monday, February 28, 2005


Re the previous post: the only link I can find in my own blog (and wouldn't it be nice if we could archive our entries by subject matter?  as is possible on some blogs?) is the one from July when he was not approved by the Judicial Committee.  There is one from some time before that with quotes from Myers himself, quotes that would shiver your timbers.  However, here is more information on the man than you ever wanted to get, from Earthjustice.  I particulary recommend the link in the info that follows to "From the mouth and pen of William G. Myers."  Now, in the light of all the opposition to this nomination the first time, why do you supposed GWB nominated him again?  The hearing is tomorrow, by the way.  Get in touch with the committee members early.

P.S. It's tomorrow now, that is to say - it's Tuesday.  And this article I just read in helps answer the question I asked last night - why is Myers being put up for the Fed. Bench again?  Silly me.


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