Saturday, April 2, 2005


Take action today!

Step 1: Click here to send a message to your Senators urging them to vote “NO” on the “nuclear option.”

Step 2: Sign the Feminist Majority’s petition opposing a change in the rules of the Senate to elimnate filibusters for judicial nominees.

President Bush and Senate Republicans are stacking the federal courts with right-wing, anti-women’s rights judges. But they are not satisfied. They want to prevent any meaningful opposition to these judges.

So far, only 10 nominees to the appellate courts have been blocked – while 204 nominees to the federal courts have been confirmed.

Yet in an unprecedented abuse of power, Senate Republicans, led by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (TN), are outrageously attempting to change the rules of the Senate to prevent even these filibusters of judicial nominees.

Right now, it takes only 41 votes to continue debate (filibuster) and block a vote on a nominee. It takes 60 votes to end debate and force a full Senate vote. The so-called “nuclear option” would eliminate the use of the filibuster for all judicial nominees, allowing the Senate to confirm them with only 51 votes (or 50 votes and the tie-breaking vote of the Vice President). Democrats only have 45 votes in the Senate, plus Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT).

But let us not be fooled. The real purpose of their so-called “nuclear option” is to make the Senate a rubber stamp for all judicial nominees, including Supreme Court nominees. Republicans want a free ride when it comes to stacking the Supreme Court with far-right, reactionary justices. That’s why they are so intent on changing the rules before a Supreme Court resignation occurs.

The confirmation of judicial nominees should take a supermajority of 60 Senators to ensure that a weak majority is never able to ramrod through lifetime appointments to the federal courts. If we do not stop the “nuclear option,” then this President, who has won two elections by the narrowest of margins, will be able to not only stack the lower courts but also the Supreme Court – which would change the landscape of this country for the next 40 years.

The filibuster is an important tool to allow a strong minority to apply the brakes. If our judges are to be not just considered political ideologues, but people with judicial temperament representing mainstream society, then we cannot allow judges to be railroaded through the Senate confirmation process with only 51 votes.

Take action today! Click here to send a message to your Senators urging them to vote “NO” on the “nuclear option.”


Sign the Feminist Majority’s petition opposing a change in the rules of the Senate to eliminate filibusters for judicial nominees.

For Equality,

Ellie Smeal
Feminist Majority


Anonymous said...

As a male I was more than happy to sign this petition and to foreward my concerns to my two senators (alas, both are Republican Bush brownies).  The hyperlinks you provide are easy to follow.  There is no excuse for not acting on this important plea.  The future of our democracy actually depends upon citizen response to this issue.  Please act now!

Anonymous said...

Done and done. I don't have much hope for Santorum, but am hoping that Specter will see reason.

Anonymous said...

The current political climate makes me ill!  It turns out the Republicans have no shame or conscience either.  Thanks for the links, I'll follow up on both of them.  Paulette

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how the rich and powerful get to change the rules when they realize that they are not above the law?
Like Tom Delay. He gets his b--ls caught up in the wheels of a scandal and he asks his friends to change the ethics rules. Truly smarmy.

Peace and love,
Tank Gurl

Anonymous said...

The feminist majority?  I wish it were so.  I wonder sometimes about the women and gays and blacks and union workers and old folks who voted for Bush, DeLay, Frist, Santorum, etc.

It kills me that so many people vote for these creeps who then turn around and work against our interests and values, and who try to undermine the system of laws that protect our freedom.

I am disappointed that so few Americans will resist these reactionary politicians who want to roll back the clock and our civil rights, and to feather the beds of the rich and powerful.  

I had so hoped that feminism would unleash a powerful force for equality, compassion, and civil liberties, but here we are in the new millenium facing the most aggressive political attack on these liberal values.  I am still in shock.

Where are the women?  Where is the feminist majority?  

It is disappointing to realize that women are no better than men.  I realize how naive it was to hope that feminism would lead to enlightened social policies and peace, but that was my hope some years ago.  I thought it was inevitable.  

Didn't women think so too?


Anonymous said...

Talk about an abuse of power = In California WC cases expert witnesses are required to testify by report instead of appearing in court and although our laws require that "all" testimony "must be" under oath, California judges are NOT required to look to see if the experts have declared that the information they report is true.  Isn't that is a violation of our 14th Amendment rights; the right to "equal" protection under the law?  I filed judicial complaints and complaints against my employer's expert for failing to declare that he had reported the truth and for reporting false information but I was informed by the governing agencies that "no action will be taken" on my complaints. Scary isn't it?