Sunday, May 22, 2005


I know that many of you who read this journal are members, and so have probably already received an email advising you of this action.  You have probably already signed the petition.  For any readers who are not MoveOn groupies, this link will take you to a petition to your senators, to which you can add your own comments before you sign and send.  The letters and comments are being delivered to Senate floor as the storm rages on, some are being read aloud on the floor.  Be a part of this historic action, send this info on to your online friends, or post it in your own journal.  If not now, then when?  If not you, then who?

And thanks.


Anonymous said...

My opinion about the "nuclear option" hullaballoo is starting to flow in a different for which I'm afraid my liberal friends would gladly shoot me.  I may do a post on it...  Lisa  :-]  

Anonymous said...

With Frist as my Senator, I'm not expecting much of a response, but I went ahead and sent it.