Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I posted several times last month about the dangers to the environment of eliminating the judicial filibuster, taking the "nuclear option" as it was called.  The dangers of giving the Republican Senate carte blanche to shoo in some of the most dreadful foes of the environment to a position where they can make decisions for the REST OF THEIR LIVES.  As I'm sure everyone is aware, the nuclear option was averted, in a bipartisan deal which at first glance had me yelling obscenities at my computer screen.  However, I have calmed down now, am able to sit up and take nourishment and read some thoughts from saner minds on this.  The fact that William Myers was not one of the judicial candidates in the deal was a huge relief to me, though the three candidates in the deal don't smell much sweeter. 

Here, from Bush GreenWatch, are some reassuring comments from one Doug Kendall, executive director of Community Rights Counsel.  I can believe this guy because his group worked with Earthjustice on "Judging the Environment,"  a project highlighting the environmental stakes in this judicial nomination battle.  I linked to the project often in my entries on this whole situation, and will continue to do so if/when I write more about it.

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