without time to compose anything very thought-out, i'm just going to put together a few bits and pieces i've run across recently and found interesting. from my D.C. sister: this NRABlacklist is worth a visit, to view some of those the NRA has placed on its anti-gun blacklist. here you can also sign a petition for more, and more stringent, gun-control legislation, thereby putting yourself on the blacklist. then you can click a link to the actual NRA site where you can see the entire list of organizations, corporations and individuals who are for greater control of guns in this country. it's a list i'm proud to join.
lots of chat everywhere on the internet about the ruling from the MA supreme court. we all know it's only the beginning of the discussion, the struggle, the backlash. we know the "christian right" plans to make it the social issue of the '04 campaign. in the spirit of "know your enemy" i give you this post from The Right Christians (not what you might think, motto is "it's time for the Christian Right to meet the right Christians," give it a look). the gist is that those we've known as the leaders of the religious right have faded from the frontlines (pat robertson, ken connor, ralph reed, jerry falwell) of power and glory. here we get profiles of four new names and faces in the current generation of the christian right, those who will be playing prominent roles in the coming battles. you'll most likely want to meet these folks.
and, if it's cold and windy where you are....we had the mother of all storms here last night...you might like to try this wonderful-sounding recipe from the foodblog, chicken squash soup (i can't get the actual entry to link right, but look for it, or any damn recipe you want, on the list of entries on left sidebar). with apologies to the vegetarians and vegans among us, you need a chicken carcass to do this right.
Geeze Louise!! That guy gets 10,000 hit a freaking week!! It took me 3 months to do that here LOL. Guess he's REALLY got something good to say!! Thanks for the link, girl!! Good stuff!!
That Happy Chica, :)
Marcia Ellen
Hmmm! Chicken carcass!
Had to sign the NRAblacklist list. I don't own a gun, but I'm not a gun control fanatic. These two pieces of legislation really tick me off though: letting the assault rifle ban run out and protecting gun dealers from lawsuits. The cretins running Bulls Eye, who supplied guns to the DC snipers, need to be horsewhipped.
And the new Christians look like a real scurvy bunch, don't they?
yes, chicken carcass. the basis of all good chicken soup. and, given the season, folks will most likely have some turkey carcasses around. i bet this would be pretty damn good as turkey-squash soup as well.
Thanks for the link. Funny, the priest profiled is with Opus Dei? I just read about Opus Dei in the Da Vinci Code, but of course it's a pure fiction book. The soup sounds good, reminds me to post my macaroni and chicken soup on my journal soon.
opus dei, though stranger than fiction, is, in fact, real. it's been around for quite a few years now, began in the 60's i believe, when the church first began to drag its ass into the 20th century. opus dei sprang up as opposition to the changes the church was making in the hopes of becoming more accessible to more people. the school where i ended up getting my BA became in later years an underground hotbed of opus dei activity. freaky stuff. but real.
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