or maybe i have a strange idea of fun. anyway, this seems to have been all over the place in the past week, but i just caught up with it today. through a twisted journey beginning with sapphosbreathing, through ampersand at Alas A Blog, i arrived at the original essay called (really) "The Pussification of the Western Male." although at first read it might almost seem to be a joke, a satirical rif on neanderthal thinking, it isn't. it's a warped misogynistic destroyed-frontal-lobe raving, or perhaps more accurately "whining," piece on the supposed total feminization/mother-domination of the Manly Man. who is, therefore, rapidly becoming the girly-man.
i have several regular journal buddies here on AOL who seem to be pretty fine exemplars of the male gender. what do you think of kim dutoit and his ruminations? i have a hard time taking seriously a man who can include this quote (he says he's quoting john belushi......???) in his essay: "Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
the guy seems very scared. scared of women being in any way considered the equal of men, or having any power or influence in both private and public life; scared of losing the false vision of entitlement most men let go of long ago. it's not about hunting and big dogs and smoking cigars, it's about a really really deep sense of insecurity.
but, what do the rest of you think? i warn you, it's a nasty piece of work.
Wow. I found this guy hard to believe!! While reading it, I was so stunned, I wasn't quite sure of HOW to react! I think you're right, though, this sorry excuse for a man is scared out of his butthuggin, tighty-whiteys. Doesn't he realize it takes more of a man to be all the things he detests than it does to be a stereotype?? Yuck!!!!!
For a Manly Man, he does seem to whine a lot.
I do agree with him about commercials and sitcoms though. The man of the family is, more and more, the butt of the jokes -- the bumbler, the one in need of improvement.
y'know, fdtate, i had to...no, not all the way to agree with this lunatic, but grudgingly give him a small point. one of my sisters and i have had several conversations about this phenomenon, the portrayal of the husband, father, guy, on sitcoms as a bumbling buffoon. not so much that he is "pussified" but that he is being shown as a ineffectual dope. in kind of the same way that, up until the huxtables, black sitcoms were full of raging goofy loonytoons. some of that still continues.
continuing reply to fdtate: it seems to be a sitcom thing. not happening on cop/law/hospital dramas, where men seem to be portrayed in the multiple ways they occur in real life, and women always look beautiful and wear tiny tanktops. to work. in police stations and law offices. we need to notice who's writing these shows, the ones with the dopey dads. are the scriptwriters mostly men, as i do believe? if so, what's going on. (and don't tell me the pussification of the american male!)
Well, that was the equivalent of Al Gore French kissing his wife on TV. In my estimation, real men (or women) don't have to defend themselves like that; they don't give a flip about how media portrays them becuase they are too damn busy doin' their own thing. Maybe he's feeling bad because his name goes both ways.
women swooned when they saw Dubya in combat uniform? Laughed themselves silly is more like it, at least the ones who know what a farce it is.
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