Tuesday, April 20, 2004


First off, just want to say i seem to be doing hunky-dorily, classes going well, students happy to see me back, sun shining, breathing in, breathing out.  i'm taking a minute here in between preparing for my evening class to make note of a little something.

on the AOL welcome screen there was a little article headline from the AP as follows:  "This Doonesbury isn't funny."  so of course i had to go read it.  you might want to do the same.  i haven't been following Doonesbury with any regularity, mostly when fdtate sends me a particular strip, so i haven't kept up with the storyline.  evidently B.D. (former football player, tough kinda guy) has reupped and been fighting in (oops, i started to type "Nam" - i actually got the N on the page) Iraq.  He's been injured and is about to lose the injured leg in surgery.  the headline is correct.  this isn't funny.  Garry Trudeau's humor is not always something we can laugh at.  sometimes it's not humor.  it's a good deal more complex than that. 

in any case, the paragraph that caught my sense of irony was this one:           " 'About ten newspapers have called Universal Press with concerns about the strip, primarily with language the character uses after learning his leg is gone,' company spokeswoman Kathie Kerr said." (emphasis is mine)  yes folks, that's the way we see things here in the good ol' USA.  the horror is not that a man, an athlete, loses a limb and is forever disabled in a war that makes no sense at all -  it's the language he uses when he finds his leg missing.  let's not really present reality, if we can help it. 


Anonymous said...

I think my irony meter just exploded.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if you loved that, you'll love this.  AOL Editors just took me off the top five journal picks because I used veiled vulgarity in my latest entry.  I'm gonna write about the whole incident tonight.

Anonymous said...

I saw this on the welcome page but didn't click. I'm glad you highlighted it here. You know it's funny what people will pull their heads out of the sand for, huh?

BTW: Your link isn't working. Here it is if you want to fix it. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20040419204109990002

I'm also very glad to hear you are doing better. :-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite strips when I'm in the mood for something a little bizarre, "Get Fuzzy," is also doing a feature on a family member that lost a leg in Iraq.

Like sistercdr, I think my irony meter just exploded...or threw up.  We're missing the real vulgarity here.  And it sucks about Muse too!
Lewis Black had the best view of the FCC obscenity crackdown on the Daily Show.  Check this out.  It's hilarious...

Anonymous said...

robbie, thanks for the heads up on the link.  i thought i had exactly what you show in your comment, but something slipped up somewhere.  i think i've got it right now.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!  I agree, the the irony of this is off the scale.  When are people going to focus on things that truly matter.

Anonymous said...

Incredible irony. I am so fed up with morality police. I has an idea when I saw Amused was yanked from the Editors Top five that it had to do with the "f" letter. Incredible.  

Anonymous said...

you mean with the use of the NON f- letter...i totally agree....(re amused)

and regarding doonesbury- i totally agree with your take on it marigold..