Tuesday, April 13, 2004


Okay, here's the girl.  we won't be eating her after all, i made it to the supermarket and stocked up up.  this is Molly Katzen, she's fifteen years old, has the same birthday as Dr. M.L. King and my nephew Robert.  she's the best cat i've ever had, and i've had aplenty.  you knew i was just kidding about eating her, of course you did.  but i just wanted to reassure you in case.  after the article on AOL's opening screen this morning about the seal hunt in Canada i didn't think it was too funny to joke about Molly.  i'm changing my mind now about moving to Canada if the Reps win the election.  maybe Costa Rica, an extremely environmentally conscious country where i could still speak the language and maybe even find employment teaching English. 


Anonymous said...

Boy am I relieved  :)

Actually, John and I always joke when we're getting low on catfood or treats that we have to worry about the cats eating US when we get home!  Molly sure is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

She's adorable, definitely too cute for the frying pan.

Anonymous said...

Molly Katzen, love her name!  She looks very wise, just like her mommy.

Grocery shopping done?  Good.  You can curl up and hold the fort and let your fingers do the walking.

Btw, Costa Rica souns good.  Environmentally good and all that coffee, who could ask for anything more?

Anonymous said...

Mmmm! Cat!  Now that's good eatin'.
Just joking!  Glad you got stocked up on victuals.
Costa Rica sounds nice, but I'm not going anywhere -- even if Dubya gets elected this time around.  I'll just hang around here and raise hell until Ashcroft and Co. come pick me up.

Anonymous said...

When you get that place in Costa Rica, make sure you have a spare bedroom. I am so there! I could never teach English, but I can make a mean latte.

Anonymous said...

Aw, what a cute kitty! I must have missed the part where you intended to serve her up for dinner, but I'm thinking you couldn't have done it anyway. ;-)