Friday, February 13, 2004


i continue to quote from RFK, Jr:
 .......The attacks began on Inauguration Day, when President Bush's chief-of-staff and former General Motors lobbyist Andrew Card quietly initiated a moratorium on all recently adopted regulations. Since then, the White House has enlisted every federal agency that oversees environmental programs in a coordinated effort to relax rules aimed at the oil, coal, logging, mining and chemical industries as well as automakers, real estate developers, corporate agribusiness and other industries.
.....Today, with the presidency and both houses of Congress under the anti-environmentalists’ control, they are set to eviscerate the despised laws. White House strategy is to promote its unpopular policies by lying about its agenda, cheating on the science and stealing the language and rhetoric of the environmental movement.

i cannot urge you strongly enough to read the entire article, with its documentation of this administration’s intimate ties to the very industries destroying the environment, whether EPA, the Interior Dept, Fish and Wildlife, Fedl Energy Regulatory Commission, on and on. all are run by former industry moguls or lobbyists, and certainly all are snugly in bed with the corporate polluters.

However. What is not addressed, even in this lengthy, and comprehensive document, is the environmental destruction being wrought by the arm of government which for most of the past year has seemed to actually be THE governing branch: The Defense Department, the Pentagon.

(Continued in following entry.)

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