Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!

Humor me, darlings, please.  come answer this question. it can't all be global warming, pestilence and doom. 


Anonymous said...

Amen! I've been hearing and reading so much doom and gloom stuff lately I'm about to go nutso! Hopefully, we can all get together and throw a big party in November.

Anonymous said...

wouldn't that be GREAT? i actually have thought about this, at least those of us who follow journals in the same half of the US. and a democratic win in November would be the reason of a lifetime for a party. maybe Bruce would even fly in from CA to party with us!

Anonymous said...

Can I come? That sounds like so much fun!

Anonymous said...

of COURSE you can come. it wouldn't be any fun w/out you! those of us who are helping each other stagger towards November need to get together somehow, either in reality or virtuality, to celebrate a win or survive a loss. no kidding, i think we should start planning this!

Anonymous said...

Am I supposed to have as many books as you? I should have answered over there... but I'll do it here. I have a four year old, so most of my "pile" would be stuff like "Brown bear Brown bear", lol. I'm currently reading "Breathing Lessons" by Anne Tyler. Yes, I know it's old. That and a Family Circle magazine sums it up for now. :-) (Except for lots of things I read on this computer, which is not beside my bed!)

Anonymous said...

Donna - there is no "supposed to" about it! who could be more fun than Eric Carle? i love his books. i'm old and childfree (until they come to visit, grandchildren or nieces/nephews) but there's actually a children's poetry book in my pile which i didn't mention in my pile-list. my partner works with young children, and our house is heaped with kids' books.

Anonymous said...

I'll go answer it over at Bibliophiles. =P