Friday, January 21, 2005


This morning I was reading commentary on the Coronation Speech on various sites, and in progressive blogs, and thought an entry offering quotes from some of them would be a good thing. Of course I haven't had the time to do it today - But - I've just come from reading Bruce Miller's journal, and he has already done this very thing.  So, trek on over to Old Hickory's Weblog and read his entry.  It's a compendium of all the things you wish you were articulate enough to say.

I'm feeling completely awful.  We went grocery shopping, in order to have the necessities for being Snowed In (cat food, chocolate, soup, coffee, toilet paper, these are our essentials) and somewhere in the middle of the store I started feeling like I'd been dropped out of a helicopter at high speed.  I've been coughing all day, now every bone and joint in my body is aching.  Time for jammies and hot tea, and maybe even bed. So, if I'm not around for a while, you know where I am, and think kind and healing thoughts in the general direction of coastal Delaware. 


Anonymous said...

Good health vibes winging your way and prayers if they're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel like crap. It's that time of year...PLUS we had to deal with all the inauguration bull***.  Enough to make anyone sick.  I have to admit, I stayed as far away from it as I could.  I physically can NOT listen to Bush speak.  He just makes me want to vomit, or tear my hair out, or something.  I heard enough commentary on the speech to have gotten the gist of it, though.  Ugh!
Feel better soon!  Lisa  :-

Anonymous said...

Oh no, you're giving me flashbacks.  Those are the exact same symptoms I had New Year's Eve [I was sick the whole New Year's weekend].  Take care of yourself, my friend.  Soup and more soup, cranberry juice and rest.  Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

With the snow's a good weekend to just wrap up and take care of yourself.  Have some chicken soup and lots of rest and feel better soon.


Anonymous said...

King and healing thoughts are speeding there way from sunny Central California to snowy Coastal Delaware just for you.  Hope your flu is short-lived and that you are back to your usual self in a day or two.  Good luck with your essay.  Paulette