Monday, January 5, 2004

Imagine the chutzpah

i'm doing 1000 things at once today, it's the beginning of reentry to the real world.  one of the things i've just done is read Old Hickory's eleven part (yes, eleven!) review of The End of Evil, by Frum and Perle.  my own title to this entry is my opinion of anyone who could name a book, let alone a whole system of world-planning, by such a title.  yet they have.  and i urge anyone who browses my journal to leave immediately and go read bruce's eleven parter. 

today begins the fingerprinting and photographing of most "foreigners" entering U.S. airports.  a procedure which slots neatly into the thinking of these Charters of World Destiny.   this is fanaticism at a level as scary as that of militant Islam, in my notsohumble opinion.  thank you, bruce, for this extremely thorough analysis.  to anyone who hasn't heard it yet, it's a real wake-up call.


Anonymous said...

Yes. I've heard about this fingerprinting baloney. 1984 here we are! I also hope you've gotten to at least 999 of those things on your To-Do list! =D

Anonymous said...

We impose our will on other countries then rely on fingerprinting and profiling to keep us safe. God help us all.