Tuesday, January 6, 2004

where the grapes of wrath are stored

if you don't already have a subscription to Salon.com, it's time to get one.  i think mine is up for renewal soon, and you bet i'm renewing it.  this article is an example of why i now feel i can't possibly live without Salon.  as we go through the coming year leading up to the election, this is one of the places where i know i will find news and opinion that won't be found too many other places.  this article, "Avenging Angel of the Religious Right" will blow your socks off.  about a man i've never heard of, Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr. (if you are Bruce Miller you will know him, living in CA and reading everything published on the face of the earth), a SoCal millionaire now bankrolling the possible schism within the Episcopal Church, after having bankrolled all kinds of other delightful efforts within his home state.  this one comes under the heading of "know your enemies," though Max Blumenthal has managed to write the article in perfectly even, seemingly objective, terms.  i'd pay my ridiculously low subscription rate for this one article alone.  go there, do it.  now.


Anonymous said...

I always click on the "Free Day Pass". It's worth an ad or two and sometimes it's for something I'm actually interested in!

Scary, scary man! Reminds me of that Scaife guy who David Brock wrote about in Blinded by the Right

Anonymous said...

My SO D., perfect specimen that he is, gifted me, along with other goodies, a Salon subscription for one year. Salon is great, I'm an avid reader. And that article certainly falls under know thine enemy. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

I, like justcherie, am a cheapskate that views the ads and gets the day passes rather than fork over the subscription money.
Damn good article. Seems like Ahmanson should be spending some of his money on therapy. I knew about the Discovery Institute/Texas schoolbook imbroglio -- didn't know about Ahmanson.
What an interesting time we live in!

Anonymous said...

Good article. And that's for the compliment, although you're giving me WAY too much credit. This business about the Republican Right being so pro-active in pushing rightwing movement in religious denominations is scary. It's hardly the first time in history it's happened. But do the Reps want to politicize EVERYTHING? This stuff is a threat to decent politics and, what's worse for some of us, to honest religion. - Bruce