Wednesday, March 10, 2004

All of Me, Why Not Take All of Me?

According to this quiz (Does Your Weblog Own You?) my weblog owns 37.5% of me.  that's kind of a lot, but actually less than i would have expected.  i've seen a lot of entries lately about our journaling habits and obsessions.  also our journal exhaustion and lack of inspiration.  yet, we press on.  i think it's the coming of spring that's making some of us feel edgy, cranky, uninspired, whiny. TS Eliot says "April is the cruellest month," but for me March has always won that title.  springlike one day, with birdsong, sunshine, the smell of earth and life, freezing rain and slushy snow coming in the next day's forecast.  a hard time of year, unless, of course, you live in southern California.  and if so, what's your excuse?


Anonymous said...

Wow, mine is only 6.25%. Yet I'm sure that I spend much more of my time on it than that. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

I was afraid to take it! If they had asked how many hours a day I spend doing journal related things such as reading, commenting, commenting on comments (lol), etc etc etc the number would have definitely been higher! My score was 31.25% ::whew!:: Definitely not as bad as I thought :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I got a ZERO, but that doesn't seem "right"...perhaps it's a matter of semantics...! I definitely blog about things that are probably of interest only to me, but I don't blog about everything that crosses the ol' pea brain, so I voted "No" on #1. Same with #2 -- I see lots of interesting things ('specially here in Santa Cruz), but I don't always think of blogging about 'em. As for #11, I have more than one blog, but none of them are updated daily!!

Anonymous said...

12.5%....Not too bad,I guess. Mari,March IS the Pits!!


Anonymous said...

18.75% for me, surprisingly low, considering I spend an inordinate amount of time preparing and writing my entries. Hmm...

Anonymous said...

12.5% for me...

Anonymous said...

18.75...they don't ask if you've nearly burned your house down while being lost in blogs. I agree - March has just been one big tease. I'm especially distressed whan I get up to walk...only to be met by ANOTHER wet morning.

Anonymous said...

You know, I love spring! It's actually improving my mood greatly. We never have any snow or freezing rain in March, though. =:-0

My excuse is... is.... too long for this comment section. ;-)