Wednesday, March 24, 2004


i'm never sure how much good this sort of thing actually does, but it can't do any harm. has certainly shown us the power of online community activism, as did the organization of Howard Dean's campaign.  so, i present for your consideration and perhaps your signature a petition, sponsored by the League of Conservation Voters, directed toward the presidential candidates.  the petition is to urge that the environment become a major focus in this election -and, one would hope, for many years following the election.  John Kerry already has one of the best voting records (click on "record" tab on this page) in the Senate on environmental issues, we have to hope he'd continue that stance if elected president.  George Bush - well, what can i say about his environmental record?  that is, what can i say without smoke pouring out of my every orifice?  so, i'm not sure how much he'd care how many petitions were presented showing that huge numbers of the electorate consider the environment of primary importance.  but, y'know, i'm a petition-signer and a poll-taker, every chance i get.  just like i vote in every election, no matter how small or local.  i figure i'll use my voice in every way i can.  if enough of us feel that way -  who knows?


Anonymous said...

Done! Signed in at number 901, thanks for the gentle nudge and reminder...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I sign dozens of these things whether I think they'll do any good or not. At the least, I get to irritate the two Republicans and the pseudo-Republican who represent me in Congress. I even hear back from them from time to time.

The activism page at Working for Change ( always has some good issues to join in on. I just emailed Condi Rice there, urging her to testify before the 9/11 Commission.

Anonymous said...

I added my signature and have add the site to my favorites. Thanks for making it easier to do something about taking action.

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing more about Kerry's position on environmental issues. Let's hope he can affect some change when he gets into office...! Thanks for the link to the petition!

Anonymous said...

I signed and was happy to do it. Once again, thanks for making it easy for us to make our voices heard.