i need help. i'm entering here a copy of the email i sent John Scalzi yesterday in the hopes that someone out there can help me figure this out. Scalzi is in NYC, and busy, so i don't expect to hear from him any time soon. if you have some thoughts, please email me with them....thanking you in advance.
this is such a mess i don't know where to start.
1.) i had a home page through AOL Hometown where i put pictures that i wanted to put in journal entries. today it wouldn't seem to take the picture i tried to put on it, so i thought it must be full. i've been doing this for a while.
2.)so, i thought - okay, i'll start a NEW homepage and delete the old one, and start fresh. so i made a new home page and put a picture on it that i wanted to use in today's entry. and deleted the old one.
3.) when i tried to "add picture from hometown" in the journal entry, the old list of homepage pictures came up. from the page i had deleted. the old page really is deleted, when i put the URL in the address box, nothing happens. it's gone. but its memory lingers on. in the form of old pictures that i don't want any more, and the inability to put any new ones on there. and the new home page doesn't come up.
4.) so, what about FTP space, i thought. let's try that again. but...the same old thing happens that always happened before. when i click on "my FTP" or "anonymous FTP" a dialog box comes up and says "invalid favorite place." what does THAT mean?
5.) how it seems to me is that now i don't have any way to get pictures into entries. is there some way to get the new homepage working as my picture storage space that will come up when i click "picture from hometown" or whatever that says?
6.) do you even begin to understand this mess?
7.) URL of old homepage: hometown.aol.com/marigolds2/myhomepage/garden.html
(gone, but the old pictures stored there still come up when i want to add a picture)
8.) URL of new homepage:
(seems to exist, but doesn't come up in journal when i want to put in pictures)
9.) and WHAT about this FTP business? why can't i get into it?
When you delete a webpage, it doesn't delete the pictures you have stored there. Try going to keyword: ftp then click on "See My FTP Space" to see what happenens. This should show you what you have uploaded. There seem to be some problems with AOL's ftp lately that people have been complaining about at the message boards here: aol://5863:126/mB:335479
As far as I know, there isn't a limit on photo storage, so full space is probably not the culprit. As for the old pictures being in the old hometown space, justcherie is just right(!), the pics aren't deleted from your ftp/directory space. No matter what your html page is called, then (whether it's garden.html or index.html) you will always see every picture (or file, for that matter) you uploaded to your member directory all in the same place (unless you organize these into diff file folders).
(Part 2) As for the FTP, I'd start from Square 1: Type in Keyword FTP, then choose MYFTP space from the options and "See My FTP Space". Can't see justcherie's comment while I'm typing this, but I think she suggested the same!
Coffy and Cherie are on the right track. Let me also add that in the future, you can access your list of pictures by typing this to the URL: http://hometown.aol.com/marigold2/images/. IMAGES is the default folder usually provided in your FTP space, although you can set up your own folders. To access those folders, just replace IMAGES in the above web address with the folder name you created.
OH my goodness! I'm sorry, but I haven't a clue. :-/ I'm lucky to figure out how to do anything myself. ::sigh:: Good luck!
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