Friday, March 5, 2004


courtesy of an email postcard from fdtate, a petition-signing campaign from Environmental Defense:  a petition to be sent to the (P)resident, your senators and representatives, requesting action be taken to undo Global Warming.  it's a small thing, filling in your info and sending it on, but as we all know, small actions on the Internet have a way of snowballing.  so, here's the site, take a minute and make a small stand against the corporate interests who are indifferent to the fate of the planet, caring only about the fate of their bottom lines.


Anonymous said...

As always...thanks for making it EASY for the rest of us to get informed and take a stand. What you are doing here is very worthwhile and I for one greatly appreciate it. click, click...DONE!!!

Anonymous said...

done deal! Yes. Thanks for makin' it easy on us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip---went, signed, sent craploads of postcards....But don't you know the administration still has to STUDY global warming????

Anonymous said...

Wow, you didn't waste any time on this at all. I knew you would be a good person to send a card to.