Tuesday, March 2, 2004

DAMAGE DONE - Part 3 of 3

so, that was The Nation.  then i moved on to Mother Jones.  and opened it to a photoessay called "The Damage Done, America's Wounded Come Home."  this  is also online, on Mother Jones' site.   read the accompanying text too, after you look at the photos of these young men.  it's a powerful piece of journalism.  beyond heartbreaking.  from the article this quote: 
        ...many of these soldiers, like their counterparts in every war, can give us an incisive glimpse into a bleaker America than most of us have ever known.  For them, the military was a refuge as well as an adventure or an obligation.  The soldiers I mean come from a nation in social disrepair, rife with poverty and plagued with a lack of opportunity and expectations.  For some of these men, fighting for their country was also a way of fighting against it - against a future without possiblities, where the poor and uneducated, in keeping with this administration's pitiless version of Christianity, are simply left to get by somehow on their own.

i was physically exhausted by the trip, but when i went to bed Saturday night my spiritual exhaustion from the truths told by these two articles overshadowed the physical.  nonetheless i am deeply grateful that we still have media voices that dare to speak out in this fashion.  i would be spiritually far poorer without them.


Anonymous said...

The Baltimore trip sounds GREAT! It's a fun city. I LOVE the aquarium as well - sorry to hear it was completely packed. You always point us to such interesting things. I need a few more hours in a day to keep up with it all. I checked out the photo essay. Very poignant...heartbreaking. And I'm so struck that not one of those boys voiced regret. They have all made an extreme sacrifice. I'll try to get back to the Kennedy article. Thanks for sharing. :) Kat

Anonymous said...

I, too, am grateful for these more progressive media outlets, but I only wish that these articles made it further out into the mainstream! Thanks for the link to RFK, Jr. article. It was an interesting read....

Anonymous said...

Yep, these soldiers were looking for an opportunity for a better life. For example, didn't they say that Jessica Lynch joined because she couldn't get a job at the local Walmart? Sad place to end up just because you had few options.

Anonymous said...

I saved those articles to read later. I think the one with photos will be sad, and I'm not up for sad at the present.

I'm Glad your trip was enjoyable. It's always nice to read about a trip through someone else's eyes.

We love the aquarium as well, although I've only been to the one in Dallas.