Thursday, March 18, 2004


The environmental writer Rebecca Solnit first alerted me to this situation earlier this week, in this article. is now alerting its members who may also be Sierra Club members to be aware of this attempt at a hostile takeover of the Club by anti-immigration activists running for board positions, looking to form a majority with some of the more dubious current board members, and outside organizations of a racist and white-supremacist nature. Solnit is never one to look at any issue in a simplistic fashion, and this article explores the history of the Sierra Club, and California with it, the place that immigration and national borders have played in that state's environmental politics. she states that
"If you care about the environment, there are more relevant issues you might choose to take up before immigration.  If you care about stopping immigration, on the other hand, the environment is a touchstone of conventional goodness, or at least of liberalism, you can hide behind."

there's more information here, at, a group organized to try to stop this takeover, and here, an article by a former president of the Sierra Club.  the Club itself cannot legally inform its members about this attempt to pack the board, so it's being done by other groups, including the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

The Sierra Club is perhaps the bestknown name in American environmentalism, please alert any voting members you know about this effort on the part of a handful of rightwing racist extremists to hijack this organization with its large membership and clout in order to further their own ends.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, this would be a terrible thing if the far right took over the Sierra Club board. It would wind up damaging if not destoying one of the country's most effective and respected conservationist/environmentalist groups. - Bruce

Anonymous said...

This would be a travesty...I hope they are effective in getting the word out to the people who can make a difference.